Psychological & Philosophical Understanding of Gender Identities

Exploring the relationship between desire, self, and trans identities

J. Rafid Siddiqui, PhD
10 min readJun 10, 2023
Psychology/philosophy of Trans Identities (Image Source: Author)

In the recent past, there has been a surge in the Trans identities. Both the number of people who identified as being Trans and the societal pressure to conform to the normativity have increased. This makes one wonder what it is that psychology and philosophy seem to miss. We shall revisit some concepts from psychoanalyst Jacques Marie Lacan and explore gender in the context of Jungian Shadow & personality development. For more details on Lacanian concepts about human love and sexuality, feel free to check the earlier article on Love. We shall explore some of the possible reasons behind the Trans Identity formations.

Psychosexuality of Human Love

The emotion of love (i.e., eros) has been a subject of study for centuries and various explanations have been proposed. The most prominent ones are the ones that focus on a psychosexual basis of such emotion. Freud was the earliest in such attempts who posited that human love and behaviors surrounding love can be explained by a psychosexual development theory. Lacan further developed his ideas and explained the concept of desire in relation to Lack. More specifically, he believed that human desire is a desire that the other…



J. Rafid Siddiqui, PhD

AI Research Scientist, Educator, and Innovator.Writes about Deep learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, AI, & Philosophy.